An HOA meeting took place on May 21st, 2024 beside the community pool. Below is the recording of the meeting, notes, and a transcript.
Announced resignation of Marc Tiny as HOA President to focus on family.
Tim Monte will step in as interim President until November elections.
Contact information shared for Tim Monte for any HOA-related inquiries.
Time: 00:01:02
Health department inspection identified a non-functional phone.
Issue resolved and phone is operational.
Pool to reopen after health department re-inspection.
Time: 00:02:10
Introduction of David Breniser and his focus on developmental issues.
Chapel Hill town administrator, Danny Bingham, invited to provide further insights.
Time: 00:05:31
Discovery that a common area was deeded to Spring Creek Farms without knowledge.
Developer allowed material removal, causing current berm issues.
Options discussed for regrading or leveling the berm.
Community input requested for berm regrading preferences.
Time: 00:10:32
Three new streetlights to be installed.
ADA handicap ramps to be installed by June 14, 2024.
Ongoing issues with storm drains and damaged infrastructure discussed.
Time: 00:14:17
Paving Roads: Final top coat paving expected by next year, contingent on townhome completions.
Storm Drain and Erosion Issues: Addressed with town support and developer accountability.
Time: 00:34:20
Discussion on parking regulations and potential changes.
Proposal for designated parking on one side of the street for emergency vehicle access.
Speeding and parking enforcement concerns raised.
Time: 00:43:05
Current lenient approach to enforcement.
Inspections triggered by community complaints.
Clarification on the process for addressing violations.
Time: 01:05:40
Amendment to allow trash cans to be placed on the side of garages.
Adoption of city rules for fireworks usage.
Voting on amendments encouraged.
Time: 01:16:23
Discussion on the use and improvement of the HOA website.
Suggestions for linking sensitive documents through secure portals.
Emphasis on using the website for updates and communication.
Time: 01:22:36
Inquiry about costs associated with complaints and enforcement.
Assurance given about minimal costs per complaint process.
Discussion on financial transparency and budgeting.
Time: 01:13:00
Proposal for quarterly community meetings to address ongoing issues.
Acknowledgement of logistical challenges for winter meetings.
Agreement on the need for regular, structured community meetings.
Time: 01:25:07
Announcement to adjust meeting times for better community attendance.
Thanking Marc Tiny for his service as HOA President.
Welcoming new board members.
Note: I manually had to input speaker names for this transcript and some of it might be a bit off for the speaker. Watch the video to be sure. —Dan Sanchez
Marc Tiny [00:00:00]:
One of
Marc Tiny [00:00:00]:
the first big things that we definitely wanted to speak about is oh, hi, friend. As a part of my everyday life, I made the decision to step down as the president of the board members here so that I could focus a 100% of my time away from work, on family, and with family things. So I did speak with some people, and our member, Tim Monte, has agreed to step in and take over my part as board president until the new term comes up for vote, which is here in November. So during that time, Tim will step in as our president. Thank you so much for willing to do that. And, you know, definitely, Tim is a part of the Facebook group. So if you have questions, feel free to reach out to him as well. Of course, a lot of you, Muscle Memory, would be reaching out to me.
Marc Tiny [00:01:02]:
I don't mind. I'll probably just filter a lot of those questions and move it over towards Dan or or Tim, or if it's something I can easily help out with, I will. Alright. So let's see here, we're waiting on Danny. Stretching it out a little bit further. So as if some of you may or may not have seen, we have the, what I call an annual pool inspection from the health department from Marshall County. They came out and they discovered that there was the the telephone that's attached to the building was not working. Whatever has happened, it's fixed now.
Marc Tiny [00:01:46]:
It's working. It's operational. We're gonna be in touch with the health department to go and let them know, hey, everything is good, it's working. So we're gonna get the health department back out here to do the inspection on that, and once they get that inspection done, well then, the pool will be back and open. So everything will be good to go there. I stretched.
David Breniser [00:02:10]:
It's your turn, man. Alright. So hello, everybody. For those of you who don't know who I am, my name is Dave Breiser. My wife, Kelly, right here, we live at 401 Lauren Lane. And, we've been in here since last March. Did, volunteer to help the homeowners association, back in November, was elected to 2 years. And, the main interest that I have is it always been, the developmental issues that we all know about within the community that have been left over from the developer of this, subdivision.
David Breniser [00:02:48]:
So I have an update on that for you today, and I also in a minute, after I go through what I know about it, I've also invited the Chapel Hill town administrator, mister Danny Bingham, is gonna be here with us as well to also maybe even answer some questions and provide some insight to you as well. So it's kind of been a process. When when I, when I stepped up to try and look into these issues, it's been, and I'm sure Danny, will, contest to a lot of this as well. There's been some challenges, in the issues that we have here. And if there's any that you don't hear that, that, from me tonight that you have an issue with, you can raise your hand or see me after, and I'll include it into a list, and we'll look into it more, in-depth detail. But I'm gonna start by putting on my eyeballs if you don't mind
Marc Tiny [00:03:56]:
so well one thing definitely might be good, if anybody has any questions on some of the items that they see that needs to be fixed in the neighborhood, if you're wondering who's responsible for that, whether that's be the the, property management company, is that a part of the board to fix, or is that D. R. Horton to fix or the land developer? Let us know because we don't want y'all thinking that all these things are things that our property management company should be fixing, but they're not. We wanna let you know where these things need to be fixed at and who we are waiting on. So definitely ask any questions.
David Breniser [00:04:37]:
Right. I think we all know that if it's if it's a home related, that's Doctor Horton. K? There isn't anything the property management company can do in regards to getting your punch list finished if there's anything still pending to do on your home. But the development, the roads, the common areas, okay, all of that stuff is, you know, just the let me just start with the list. Okay? So, I'm gonna go down the list here 1 by 1, and I'm gonna start with the street lights. So back when I started, I reached out to the city administrator and had meetings with Danny Bingham, at the, at city hall and looked into a lot of information. And, Danny stepped into this, as well, only being with the the city for over 2 years prior to this development planning stages. So I attended planning commission meetings.
David Breniser [00:05:31]:
I've met with planning commission officials and with Danny, and I went down to the, Marshall County records office. And I discovered that the common area where everybody knows what we're calling the big berm, without the city's knowledge, without the property management company's knowledge, and without the homeowners association's knowledge, that property was deeded to Spring Creek Farms. Nobody knew about it. We are liable for now that property there. So that brought a lot of concerns right off the bat. So we immediately, once we discovered that, put up some no trespassing signs. So in the year that it was deeded to us, the developer actually allowed materials to be removed, thinking that it was gonna shorten the burn or whatever his thought process was, I'm really not sure. However, who he allowed on the property to take the spoils from there did it in such a way to his benefit, but it left what you all see out there right now.
David Breniser [00:06:38]:
And, and that's unacceptable. So, in my investigation with the county and also I went to, Nashville, located the engineer who provided the engineering approved drawings that were submitted to the county and the city. That common area over there is not engine or is not done how it was engineered. So, that issue alone, I'm trying to hold the, property developer accountable to solve that issue, and we have a few ideas. And I'm all ears to what y'all have
David Breniser [00:07:15]:
to think about it.
David Breniser [00:07:16]:
But since we're on that issue, I'm gonna explain to you what where we're at with it. I met with, like I said, with the town, numerous. They've been very accommodating, very, helpful in trying to get to the bottom of this. They'll find themselves in the same predicament, which Danny's gonna be able to explain as well. So I met I've done a walk through with Danny and his staff on the complex of all the issues, produced a punch list to the city. They even have their own punch list. Some of them are related. Some of them are are not quite related, but the, the berm, really what we can do, we have options there, is that the we can allow the developer to regrade the spoils that are still on that common area over there to dress it all up.
David Breniser [00:08:26]:
His his argument is that he never expected the the guy that he allowed to go there to do what he did. Nevertheless, it is what it is and he's willing to help with this. However, what I wanna hold him to account is to meet the required approved engineering drawings that were submitted to the city and to the county so that it doesn't fall back on Spring Creek Farms as any type of an engineered or grading issue or water issue that could affect any of the homes along that area there. Now those people that live on Lorne Lane that actually butt up against that, that berm may really like that higher elevated berm for privacy. I'd like to hear from you guys today if if if at all possible. So, the other option would be allowing the developer to regrade the berm, taking it all down, loving it all out from end to end. There's a good pile of soil at the very end that's half gone that he allowed to be taken. And then having it all, covered over the rocky dirt and then new grass, straw seed, and everything would be input and untapped for erosion.
David Breniser [00:09:43]:
Along with reengineering that work to be done that's already approved and and submitted to the county, the city so that if anything does fall back on it, we can go back to the developer saying, hey. This is not how this plan was engineered. So you have to fix it, not it's not gonna fall on Spring Creek Farms fix. So that's that's where I'm at. That's the real biggest thing that I have right there. I'm gonna let Danny get into a little bit on that as well, but, I'd be more willing to take more questions on that issue. The other issue is the street lights. I cannot explain to you why there are so many street lights placed on the first phase of Spring Creek Farms, and there's absolutely no street lights on the final phase.
David Breniser [00:10:32]:
Okay. Only to say that he has agreed to install 3 more street lights. Okay. 1 on, the right next to my house, which is in the cul de sac at Lauren Lane, and none on the intersection, I think it's Addison, and then the other one halfway up. Those are the 3 street lights that we can hold him accountable for, what's on the approved plans that were submitted to, Duck River, the the lighting the lighting plant. Why there's more over here? Nobody can explain it, and he can't even explain it. But we can only hold him just like the berm, we can only hold him to account for what is what was planned for. So, he's agreed to do that in the street lights, and I got a letter from him on these issues.
David Breniser [00:11:19]:
And this was a long time coming. There was a lot of work and a lot of meetings in order for him to commit to these. It says the Tennessee one call will be, will mark everything next week. Got this last Friday. As soon as that is done, the guy my guy can begin the install and the electrician can also begin building the services for the sweepers. After the services are inspected, then Duck River can come and install the meters. Okay? So I expect that done within the next few weeks. That's positive progress coming from our developer.
David Breniser [00:11:54]:
Yay. The other issue is you may have noticed too that we have these, a, ADA handicap ramps on a lot of the intersections, but not on some of the intersections. Well, he, dug his feet in on this one for quite some time. And, going back and forth and meeting with him and some support from the town of Chapel Hill, this is what he wrote me. We'll install the ADA Rams at the 4 different intersections by June 14, 2024. This also could happen next week, but it just depends on the contractor's schedule. So he did a little bit of research and found out that these handicapped ADA ramps
David Breniser [00:12:40]:
are federally mandated. He has to do them.
David Breniser [00:12:43]:
Okay. His argument to me at first was, well, if you have a handicapped person that lives on the sidewalk way down, like I said, by my house, all he really needs to do legally is provide a handicap ramp to get him to the pool. Well, that would require somebody on a wheelchair to go all the way around the subdivision and come on over here. And we have individual on Lauren Lane. You may have seen him. He has his wheels wheelchair out quite frequently out on the road. So that's another win, and that was a struggle, believe me. I know my wife takes a lot of walks around the subdivision.
David Breniser [00:13:18]:
She's got limited site capability, which is why we're in ranch homes. We moved up from where we're at. It's very important for her to have, with the the
David Breniser [00:13:28]:
depth perception. She has that it's a safe
David Breniser [00:13:31]:
trans transformation from one street to the other, and this will provide that. And like I said, he's supposed to do it the first way. Now all of the and this is where these issues, I'm gonna not touch too much on because I'm gonna leave with Danny to the main because I do know that we've discussed all of the storm drains that are damaged from when Doctor Horton was out here doing the development. They'd run their bobcats through and they get these grills and they ship
Marc Tiny [00:14:02]:
them and they toss them and
David Breniser [00:14:03]:
crack them, which also provided cracked curves and everything. All that stuff, including the sediment inside the storm drains, is gonna be evacuated. He's agreed to do that. Danny's gonna eat. That's the one thing that he can definitely hold him accountable on.
Community Member [00:14:17]:
Hey. I've got a question since
Community Member [00:14:18]:
you're talking about the swondering. Sure.
Community Member [00:14:21]:
Why have they not paved the roads yet?
David Breniser [00:14:23]:
I'm getting to that.
Community Member [00:14:24]:
They've promised that they were gonna be done this spring It's now summer.
David Breniser [00:14:27]:
Yeah. Well, I I would like to find out what you mean by they first. Okay? But Yeah. Okay. Hang on. Hang on. I'm getting to that here right now. So the storm drains, the sediment, the, obstacles that you have to drive around that are jagged in some areas, those are all gonna be, have to get signed off by the city.
David Breniser [00:14:52]:
The the other thing you may have noticed was on our list was over at the retention pond. It was never really final graded. There were some dirt there. So we finally got him to actually do that, earlier a few weeks back. So that's that was taken off the list. Now the last thing on my list here before I turn it over to Danny, is that the final and this is written from mister Tommy Atkins from
David Breniser [00:15:17]:
the, the development. Final top
David Breniser [00:15:20]:
coat paving will be done no later than this time next year. As I have stated before, my intentions has been, to, has been so to wait until the townhomes were completed. I feel I feel that most of them will be started by then. So here's where we don't really have any authority over that issue with him on doing that. So if there's any other questions on the issues that I brought up, I'm gonna go ahead and yes.
David Breniser [00:15:56]:
So so yes, ma'am. Sorry.
Community Member [00:15:58]:
You had your you had your head up first.
David Breniser [00:15:59]:
Yeah. So
David Breniser [00:16:00]:
as as far as
David Breniser [00:16:01]:
the burn goes Yeah. Where the property owners to have the the fences that they built, make money for. With the grading of that, is that gonna affect them? And and and and if it does affect them, how is that gonna be compensated to them if it if it does affect their fences? Because I mean, I could see for 1 is
Marc Tiny [00:16:18]:
the fences are not cheap.
David Breniser [00:16:19]:
And if the grading of that, if they bring that down to a level field, it's gonna absolutely destroy the backs of the fences that meet up with that fern.
David Breniser [00:16:27]:
Right. So that's why engineering is important. So the idea this is the story that I got from the developer is that people that came in there wanted the berm for privacy, but erosion happens, and there's already erosion going down into those properties. So if it's and since that property line is already set and those fence lines go up a bit Correct. This right here is where we're gonna bring that grade down, and new engineering is gonna direct the water from one point around the berm and then down the other way so that erosion will hit a swale and be directed Towards
Marc Tiny [00:17:04]:
the road.
David Breniser [00:17:05]:
Towards the, south side or the north side. Okay? So I'm not an engineer, but I do know that what we have right there is a potential problem for what you're talking about. Right? And he just thinks that he can call his buddy up and have it all regraded and be and say that, all of the lots are engineered for drainage already. That was the argument that I got from on this. So, in in my opinion, that's not acceptable. We can hold him to the original drawing, which would require him to truck all that soil out of there. But then it's gonna be a legal battle. I can tell you who would go to civil court.
Marc Tiny [00:17:50]:
But if that's a part of their original
David Breniser [00:17:52]:
plan, regardless of what we've already done here at the property, they would be accountable
Marc Tiny [00:17:57]:
for that regardless of what they need to do or
David Breniser [00:18:00]:
or what has already been done because
Marc Tiny [00:18:12]:
given to the
David Breniser [00:18:13]:
So we're gonna that's where Danny's gonna come in here. So if we because it it is related to a degree. Okay? Ma'am, there do you have another question?
Community Member [00:18:22]:
So I I understand that you said in the original drawings, there were only 3 more street lights that
Marc Tiny [00:18:26]:
could be
Community Member [00:18:27]:
put up.
David Breniser [00:18:28]:
According to the
Community Member [00:18:38]:
live. Because we have no street lights. None. And a lot of people, kids included, walk. And, I mean, I love seeing everyone, but it scares me at night, especially for my own kids and my neighbor's kids.
David Breniser [00:18:49]:
Look. I all I all
Marc Tiny [00:18:51]:
I can tell you is
David Breniser [00:18:52]:
I can hold we can hold them accountable for the issues that are on their original plans. Now if there is a need for another streetlight, that's possible that we can add that streetlight and be voted on it
Marc Tiny [00:19:04]:
as a homeowner
David Breniser [00:19:04]:
as as a homeowner association.
Community Member [00:19:07]:
David Breniser [00:19:07]:
Okay. Believe me.
Community Member [00:19:08]:
Fair to ask.
David Breniser [00:19:09]:
I would love to say, mister Atkins, we we demand the streetlights proportionate to what you laid out on phase 1. He's not gonna do it. I can't hold him any legal grounds
Community Member [00:19:22]:
for that.
Community Member [00:19:23]:
Is there something stating that there has, like, a street has to have lights? I'm wondering, like, does the state or the state does the town of Chapel Hill have any court or ordinances that stay?
David Breniser [00:19:34]:
That's a good question for him.
Community Member [00:19:36]:
Okay. I'll bring him in here
David Breniser [00:19:37]:
in just a second. Okay. But if there's any other questions on the other issues
Community Member [00:19:42]:
Thank you.
David Breniser [00:19:43]:
Yes, ma'am.
Community Member [00:19:44]:
I actually alright. Oh. My wife does it to me all
David Breniser [00:19:47]:
the time.
Marc Tiny [00:19:47]:
That's the strip of land between the townhouses and our house
David Breniser [00:20:11]:
Unaware of it.
Marc Tiny [00:20:12]:
David Breniser [00:20:12]:
have not been aware of that.
Community Member [00:20:13]:
Okay. Which is There's actually a culvert there that's supposed to wipe that water off, but it doesn't do it at all.
Marc Tiny [00:20:19]:
See, this
David Breniser [00:20:19]:
is a perfect See,
Marc Tiny [00:20:21]:
this is a perfect example of
David Breniser [00:20:21]:
us trying to, negate those types of issues with that farm. We will definitely look at that.
Community Member [00:20:28]:
And then also the city is get those trees.
David Breniser [00:20:31]:
That's right. Right. Our property management company will be involved in that as well, and, we'll we'll we'll look into all those issues, me specifically, because that's really kind of this area is really what I've been focusing on anyway. Anybody else before I, introduce kind
David Breniser [00:20:49]:
of miss Brittney?
Community Member [00:20:49]:
I made them another one too. But my colors. Yeah. Mhmm.
David Breniser [00:21:04]:
Yeah. So only thing I could tell you about the colors, is I think that a lot of the soils, when it's under construction, probably stain the concrete.
Community Member [00:21:12]:
But I'm more concerned about the holes.
David Breniser [00:21:15]:
If there's a hole in the concrete, we'll look at it. If it's damaged, it's all part of the city's responsibility for the roads and, I believe, the sidewalks. Right? The sidewalk
Marc Tiny [00:21:27]:
Are you talking about a hole that is like a hole that goes all the way through the concrete? Are you talking about, like, flaking off of the top of the concrete? No. They're home. About the
Marc Tiny [00:21:37]:
flaking, in which case, that's a No. No. Don't That's an intriguing argument where And in the road or the side that's on top. Mine has
David Breniser [00:21:47]:
David Breniser [00:21:48]:
mine has no one.
Marc Tiny [00:21:52]:
Okay. Okay.
David Breniser [00:21:53]:
I just wanted to clarify to make sure.
David Breniser [00:21:55]:
It it just it wasn't
Community Member [00:21:58]:
There's probably a hole that was almost dead that went around, I'm afraid neighborhood to get their foot stuck in one of their homes. Sure. Because they're running in place. Right. You know? And are we held liable if that happens?
Marc Tiny [00:22:35]:
That we're not finding, and then we'll try and see what we can do with the whole list. And what was your question?
Community Member [00:22:41]:
Message all the time, and we don't get responses back.
Community Member [00:22:44]:
So how can we message people if we don't hear anything back from any of y'all?
David Breniser [00:22:47]:
Well, the best way to get a hold of the HOA is through the property management company.
Community Member [00:22:52]:
But Mark just said message 1 of us.
Marc Tiny [00:22:54]:
Right. So
Community Member [00:22:55]:
that's why I'm that's my cure. Mark's saying message 1 of us.
Community Member [00:22:58]:
I have messaged people before and never got a response.
Community Member [00:23:01]:
So that's kinda contradicting what he's saying.
Marc Tiny [00:23:03]:
I can only speak for myself, and anytime anybody reaches out to me, I'll always respond back.
Community Member [00:23:09]:
But you're also leaving. So who can we take in front
Marc Tiny [00:23:11]:
of you?
David Breniser [00:23:12]:
So if you if you
Marc Tiny [00:23:13]:
wanna message me, I'll be more than happy to pass it on. Mark, we don't
Marc Tiny [00:23:16]:
want to put
David Breniser [00:23:16]:
that bird on you, though.
David Breniser [00:23:17]:
Right. Mark, today is technically March's last day.
Community Member [00:23:20]:
Place to take out.
David Breniser [00:23:21]:
So I would say going forward is policy and procedure. I'm gonna let, let, the property management company speak on those rules and regs here shortly as well. But right now, the best way we're always accessible. She sends us out emails all the time. She's very good at, sending us the information. And with me and Dan and our new member here, we will do our best to follow through with you directly. But 401 Lauren Lane. You know? If I'm home, she usually see my police truck or vehicle in there.
David Breniser [00:23:56]:
I'm home. Otherwise, call the property management company, and she could send us all that information out.
Marc Tiny [00:24:02]:
The caveat that day, as as as another officer, I
David Breniser [00:24:05]:
I don't want that from you because I don't want it from me.
David Breniser [00:24:07]:
Right. I appreciate
Marc Tiny [00:24:08]:
that. I I that's
Marc Tiny [00:24:10]:
Well, we
David Breniser [00:24:11]:
just when you volunteer, you step up, you wanna do the best that you can. And that's all what I think that all of us have, approached these these positions, hearted wholeheartedly to give it give it our best effort to get these issues and situations, resolved for everybody. Because I've been on the other side as well. Sure. So that's again, call the property management company.
David Breniser [00:24:35]:
So I this is just a suggestion. I think there needs to be a direct, if you wanna call it, chain of command command of how we direct our issues to. So that way we're so
David Breniser [00:24:45]:
that way I'm
David Breniser [00:24:46]:
not walking over to to to his house to say, hey, man. I've got this issue. I'm not coming down after I go see
David Breniser [00:24:51]:
the Property management contact.
David Breniser [00:24:52]:
But but but I I think there needs to be a a a very obvious to contact somebody other than just saying, hey. Either contact one of us or contact the property management.
David Breniser [00:25:05]:
Again, main first and foremost. Just like, you know, if there's an emergency, what do you do? You call 911. Right? And then 911 dispatches the, call to the appropriate people to resolve the issue. Laura Beth is our 911 dispatcher. Okay? So so so
David Breniser [00:25:22]:
just so just so just
David Breniser [00:25:24]:
to be clear, if we have
David Breniser [00:25:26]:
any issues directed straight to Louisville. Yeah. Well, no. No. And I'm being dead serious. If we have any issues whatsoever directed straight to her. She'll disseminate to you guys, and then we'll figure out what we need to do.
David Breniser [00:25:36]:
That's the best way to communicate.
David Breniser [00:25:38]:
Okay. Yeah. Expect a lot of emails, honey. I'm sorry. That's fine.
Marc Tiny [00:25:43]:
And in reality, that's what we hired them to do. That's right. Pretty much everything with me where where I keep saying reach out to me, I'll be more than happy to. That's just me. I'm just I'm just that type of person where I'm always gonna
David Breniser [00:25:57]:
try and help. And we and we love you for that,
Marc Tiny [00:25:59]:
but with
David Breniser [00:26:00]:
with the structure that we have, we we we as a society need structure to understand how it operates. Okay. And expand works in a in a miraculous way. So
David Breniser [00:26:11]:
unless there's any other questions, we can continue pretty much all these issues. And let me, introduce, Chapel Hill Town Administrator, Danny Bingham.
David Breniser [00:26:20]:
Danny, thanks for coming here today. Okay.
David Breniser [00:26:24]:
Thank you for having me, and and I'm glad to glad to be here to discuss some of these issues with Dave's brought up several other things that you guys are addressing from a HOA standpoint. From Town's perspective, we're very concerned somebody raised about the paving and all that. That's very much an issue with us as well because it is my understanding that this section is 100% built out, and he's wanting to wait on the other. Now the logic behind that from his standpoint is is that it saves them money to bring them all in here at once. I get that. Okay? However, that's not what he I think has agreed to you guys. And so what we're doing, he's coming to the planning commission, be Tuesday. Monday's is all day.
David Breniser [00:27:10]:
It'd be Tuesday night, and we will address that or the planning commission will address that. Now having spoke to several of those individuals on the side and so forth, I know that and some of those are developers. They pretty much have said they want this paid first. So they're planning on my understanding, holding speed to the fire on that one. Now that will be a contingent, I'm sure, but, we're we're prepared to to try to address that from the town standpoint. The drainage issues, all of those things before we, release them, if you will, and I think you mentioned the bonds, release those things. Those things will be brought in. It will be inspected.
Marc Tiny [00:27:53]:
They have to pass, and
David Breniser [00:27:54]:
we have to do the final walk through make sure they're done properly so that they're cleaned out, they're draining properly, and that we don't have issues like that. So, just to give you a little quick back history on this. I mean, ever since like I said, I've been in this position 2 years and hit the ground running, and this is one
David Breniser [00:28:12]:
of those let's just say it's been
David Breniser [00:28:15]:
a challenge. Okay? To say the least as you guys can find out. So there's some things that we learned from a small town that when Doctor Horton blows in, town start building and everything that quite honestly we weren't prepared. We weren't prepared for 2 to 300 home development at the time. So all of that, we're quickly getting up to speed. We'll put things in our, subregs and specs to address street lights. Somebody had streetlights. Those are things that are being written now into our specs.
David Breniser [00:28:50]:
So there's several things. We even talked about Donnie Groves, our utility manager, came today and discussed about, I think in one of the subdivisions, we have a retention wall where it's railroad sized. Well, for whatever reason, that was put in there. We'd prefer to be a permanent type structure concrete. So that It's over here, man. Those are the little things
Marc Tiny [00:29:11]:
It's over here behind, the original sales home. Okay. Real tiles. So those
David Breniser [00:29:15]:
are things that we're trying to address going forward as they come up and as you guys make them available to us, you know, saying that, okay, that's not a bad thing to put in sub regs and specs going forward because it makes a lot of sense. So, you know, from your perspective, we're trying to listen. There are certain things that I'll be able to assist with and help with. There'll be certain things I can't because it is it'll be a civil matter between you, the HOA, and and the development. Paving, like I said, we're they'll discuss that. I will the only caveat, I should be able I'm hoping I can make it to the Tuesday night's meeting. I've got surgery scheduled Tuesday morning. So I may be there.
David Breniser [00:29:58]:
I may be a little loopy, but I'll I'll be I'll I'll try to make it unless something just
Marc Tiny [00:30:02]:
For the year.
David Breniser [00:30:03]:
I'm sorry. Adventure. Yeah. Yeah. So, but I'll I'll, you know, I want to mister Atkins has has been receptive. He's opened up, but I will also won't be able to to make sure that we put some dates and times and, in on these things so that you guys aren't wondering. We're not wondering from the town's perspective because we do have the bonds out there that we're really watching close, and that is an option. I will as you know, probably the bonds are they're a small procedure of what it'd probably take to to pay this, but that would be an option that we have in the meantime.
David Breniser [00:30:40]:
So those are the things that we're working on. My office is always open. They will tell you I have pretty much an open door policy unless I'm just up my balls in in a sewer hole somewhere or whatever. We're we're pretty much, listening, and I'll, I'll be glad to to visit with any of you. Anybody?
Marc Tiny [00:31:00]:
Yeah. What about Yeah.
Marc Tiny [00:31:03]:
Do you
David Breniser [00:31:03]:
think there's a
Marc Tiny [00:31:03]:
possibility of the city
David Breniser [00:31:05]:
in Stevens Road?
David Breniser [00:31:08]:
What is that's a county road, but we'll look into it. Yeah. Yeah. So, actually, we're very I know it's not much,
David Breniser [00:31:16]:
but It's
Marc Tiny [00:31:17]:
burning what.
Marc Tiny [00:31:18]:
We're in
David Breniser [00:31:18]:
and out. Well, that was that you should been involved in that meeting.
David Breniser [00:31:21]:
That was an
David Breniser [00:31:22]:
interesting meeting. That was, yeah. We got we had played a little good cop bad cop on that.
Marc Tiny [00:31:27]:
90 degree drop. You
Community Member [00:31:28]:
don't like
David Breniser [00:31:29]:
it? Yes, sir. There. I'm sorry. What? We probably could look at that. Yeah.
Community Member [00:31:40]:
In the neighborhood.
David Breniser [00:31:41]:
Yeah. Yeah. As they come in. Yeah.
Marc Tiny [00:31:44]:
Yeah. What about the, 40 buses? Speed living here.
Marc Tiny [00:31:44]:
In the
Marc Tiny [00:31:50]:
Marc Tiny [00:31:54]:
time down there. Well, let's have it on your checkup. I mean, I just pulled through it
David Breniser [00:31:59]:
for Electrolux. I'm not sure.
Marc Tiny [00:32:00]:
I mean, I'm
David Breniser [00:32:00]:
nearly gonna see bone going to work in the morning. This is ridiculous.
David Breniser [00:32:04]:
Wow. In the sub of it.
David Breniser [00:32:06]:
Yeah. Yeah. And I'm in a police car.
David Breniser [00:32:09]:
Sorry, man. I didn't see you.
Marc Tiny [00:32:11]:
I'm so Yeah.
Marc Tiny [00:32:12]:
Yeah. Yeah.
Marc Tiny [00:32:12]:
Yeah. Yeah.
Marc Tiny [00:32:15]:
Yeah. Yeah. I
David Breniser [00:32:16]:
yeah. We'll look into that too as well.
Marc Tiny [00:32:18]:
Out here one afternoon, and there was 5 hours of blue sewage in about 10 or 15 Okay.
Marc Tiny [00:32:27]:
I ma'am. I They're going
Community Member [00:32:34]:
20 at the
David Breniser [00:32:35]:
fairmost. Right. Yes. That that that conversation. That is one of the things. Yes.
David Breniser [00:32:48]:
She's in front of the fire hydrants, paint them red where
David Breniser [00:32:50]:
we don't have parking. Now I will tell you that's something we're also looking at is street parking on, you know, some of these streets.
David Breniser [00:32:57]:
That's an issue because I Yeah.
Marc Tiny [00:32:58]:
It's I I can tell you that the
David Breniser [00:33:00]:
emergency vehicles cannot get through
David Breniser [00:33:01]:
That's exactly right. And that's my concern because they cannot. Well, we
David Breniser [00:33:05]:
Fire truck might as well just knock them over into the yard.
David Breniser [00:33:07]:
So, yeah, we're gonna try to
Community Member [00:33:09]:
very honest.
Community Member [00:33:09]:
Then the other concern I have, obviously, mister Atkins changed his plan code here. He's now having and set up a garage, and now he can unlock the
Community Member [00:33:20]:
Yeah. So that's gonna create.
David Breniser [00:33:25]:
It could. Yes.
Community Member [00:33:26]:
Address that. I mean, they already have issues. Have you guys you'll have that to
David Breniser [00:33:31]:
be with the policy?
David Breniser [00:33:33]:
That's one of the things also as far as, going forward, the proper parking places and things like that. You know, when they park on the streets, there's other than siding them, there's
Marc Tiny [00:33:42]:
you know? I have
David Breniser [00:33:43]:
the same them, there's you know?
Community Member [00:33:46]:
I have the same concerns as as this country would have. The guy in the last building gonna have a hard attack.
Marc Tiny [00:33:52]:
Yep. Good
David Breniser [00:33:53]:
luck for
Marc Tiny [00:33:53]:
that. Yeah.
Marc Tiny [00:33:54]:
He can't
David Breniser [00:33:54]:
get And I and I will say one of one of the reds I'm not gonna sound out, but there was an emergency over here the other night, and the parking situation was awful. I had to come over and help him get into the ambulance. We had to we had to move cars and get stuff out of the way for you to think people can get out of the neighborhood. They couldn't They couldn't to get medical attention. Yes. I mean, that's it's it's it's
Marc Tiny [00:34:12]:
David Breniser [00:34:13]:
I've got a picture. Well, I'll look it up here in a little bit.
Community Member [00:34:15]:
Do we wanna talk about the plan for parking?
David Breniser [00:34:20]:
It's as far as what
David Breniser [00:34:22]:
so what we've talked about with the city is for the parking issues is allowing as you enter the subdivision, allowing street parking on the north side of the street or the west side of the street, leaving the south side of the street and the, east side of the street open for emergency vehicles. And Danny and I have talked about this, and he hasn't committed to anything as of yet. But since they're gonna be taking these over, putting up signage for speed limit signs and for those parking signs.
David Breniser [00:34:55]:
So with the no parking, is is is that gonna be painted on, no parking?
David Breniser [00:34:59]:
Posted signs from what we've talked about.
David Breniser [00:35:01]:
Painted signs on the roads work work generally for the best. I mean, I don't know. Well It's it's
David Breniser [00:35:06]:
It's up with whatever the city is gonna really do because, otherwise, it comes out of our budget. I'd rather the city paper
David Breniser [00:35:14]:
have no fancy.
Marc Tiny [00:35:14]:
It's a state statement.
David Breniser [00:35:16]:
We're a
David Breniser [00:35:16]:
pit and tax.
Marc Tiny [00:35:17]:
Look at something Right.
Marc Tiny [00:35:18]:
On the
David Breniser [00:35:18]:
on the ground where the parking
David Breniser [00:35:20]:
Well other than signing To your point and and being an officer, you understand this. It's it's difficult to my officers to to sight somebody or whatever if there's not any of those. So that
David Breniser [00:35:31]:
Trust me. That's we we get calls Yeah.
David Breniser [00:35:34]:
A little bit about
Marc Tiny [00:35:35]:
stuff like that.
David Breniser [00:35:35]:
So I understand.
Marc Tiny [00:35:37]:
On the,
David Breniser [00:35:41]:
I've gotta look at that one too, but that's a different HOA that's over there.
Community Member [00:35:45]:
Yeah. You know, do it before we get all the.
David Breniser [00:35:48]:
Yeah. Yeah. So So but to to your point to your point, he's not going to be able to quickly throw the others up because of the water moratorium that's in the county. So, that's limiting growth as far as as far as developing and all that. It's it's kind of a pump the brakes, if you will, on some of these larger developments.
Marc Tiny [00:36:08]:
David Breniser [00:36:15]:
oh, the the bridge area? Yes. Yes. We've we've talked about that as well. So
Marc Tiny [00:36:20]:
So about 5 months ago, I got a phone call in from the, Chapel Hill police chief. He called me about some things. It's about the time that someone hit our sign coming in. So they called me about some different things, and then they also said, hey, what are you gonna do about the parking? Your neighborhood is a part of the city. City ordinance state that nobody can park on the streets from 11 to 4 AM. What are you gonna do about the parking? So I brought it up to the board, and we started talking, and Dave went to our went to the city council and came up with the idea of let's do the parking on one side of the street versus both sides. I don't
David Breniser [00:37:04]:
know if you all have teenage drivers, but where are they gonna park? They gotta be able to park to it at least on the proper side of the road. Yeah. That's a whole for an
Community Member [00:37:12]:
extra vehicle. That's a
Marc Tiny [00:37:13]:
whole lot better than no parking at all. Right.
David Breniser [00:37:18]:
It's it's a it was we looked at it. We discussed it, chewed it up, and that's what we came up with was not necessarily enforcing those hours with nobody parking on the street, but one side of the street, no parking support. On the other side of the street, yes, parking.
Marc Tiny [00:37:35]:
Am I
Marc Tiny [00:37:35]:
missing something with parking? Because, I mean, I've lived in a lot of places and and our driveways, you can comfortably park 4 or vehicles unless you have a large truck.
David Breniser [00:37:50]:
And and and listen. I'm blocking the sidewalk. Right. Issue that I had to park
Marc Tiny [00:37:54]:
in my phone car
Marc Tiny [00:37:55]:
there. Yeah. Because we park. You don't you haven't been trained properly.
Marc Tiny [00:38:07]:
Listen. I I I
David Breniser [00:38:09]:
can bail the buck every every other year. Okay. Okay.
Marc Tiny [00:38:14]:
I know
David Breniser [00:38:14]:
a lot of people walking in the neighborhood and and it it it the parking does create an issue and it and in in my eyes, it it potentially a safety issue because I know I know a lot of kids I understand. Drive these electric scooters, or scooter skateboards, roller blades, or whatever. And if if if they're if they can't stop, and they they they nicked the front of the bumper. I mean
Community Member [00:38:36]:
Community Member [00:38:40]:
David Breniser [00:38:41]:
Well, they're everybody's got one issue or another related to parking. And we've looked at them. We've heard them all.
Community Member [00:38:49]:
I I I think as long
Marc Tiny [00:38:50]:
as I think I think I
David Breniser [00:38:51]:
think the one side of the road parking is fine as long as it is marked. Yeah.
Marc Tiny [00:38:57]:
Clearly, on the road where they're putting people are putting tires.
Community Member [00:39:00]:
It makes a jigsaw puzzle get through the
Marc Tiny [00:39:02]:
whole way next time.
Marc Tiny [00:39:03]:
That's true.
Community Member [00:39:03]:
And, I mean, Addison Yeah.
David Breniser [00:39:05]:
I mean, and we all run the entire nature. Tell. But
Marc Tiny [00:39:07]:
to your point, after that was brought up, I drove through, and there was only about 2 or 3 homes that have more vehicles than could park in the driveway.
David Breniser [00:39:20]:
What what what what time what time you do?
Community Member [00:39:22]:
Yeah. In the daytime, it's nothing. At nighttime,
Marc Tiny [00:39:24]:
when everybody's home, that's Yes.
Marc Tiny [00:39:26]:
We we we can't do is that night. Is that we're out of work. Through about 9, 10 o'clock at night when everybody is home or whatnot.
David Breniser [00:39:34]:
You won't So I don't know, but Emergency those
Marc Tiny [00:39:36]:
are the things that we're trying
David Breniser [00:39:37]:
to help them
Marc Tiny [00:39:38]:
need down gear
David Breniser [00:39:39]:
to war. They they need access.
Marc Tiny [00:39:40]:
That's right.
Marc Tiny [00:39:41]:
They need access.
David Breniser [00:39:42]:
And I did speak with Andrew chief Andrew Conn of Chapel Hill, and he think he supports this idea as
David Breniser [00:39:48]:
well. I I I I I think as long as that is
Marc Tiny [00:39:51]:
proper, then
David Breniser [00:39:52]:
like I said, I have to I think the market's own street themselves with no parking, like dash lines. We said, they they painted no parking. Yeah. That's that's overly obvious And other than having a sign up in up in somebody's halfway in the yard, which is gonna piss somebody off anyways. I think the markings on on on the street itself is gonna that would help that situation.
David Breniser [00:40:18]:
Cool. Any other issues for Danny, in regards to the development? About Yes, sir. Lights out in this parking area to come out here at night. It's pitch black. Okay. Well, that's not anything.
Marc Tiny [00:40:34]:
We we
David Breniser [00:40:34]:
can talk about that, but I don't think that's just not just being relayed
Marc Tiny [00:40:38]:
on that.
Community Member [00:40:38]:
You're gonna have a raw paper scissors. No.
Marc Tiny [00:40:41]:
That's not. It doesn't have one. Alright.
David Breniser [00:40:44]:
Alright. Well, I I wanna just officially thank Danny for his time here. He didn't have to do it. Thank you. He's been a huge help on working with these through these issues.
Community Member [00:40:54]:
I wanna say that. Retention time, whose responsibility is that?
David Breniser [00:40:59]:
The HOA. Dispatch. That's on our HOA.
Marc Tiny [00:41:02]:
Okay. That's
Community Member [00:41:03]:
been great. I ask is it's filling the sediment. At at some point, that's going to need to be dredged or cleaned out.
David Breniser [00:41:11]:
That's all part of him, accepting the subdivision once the developer is done with his issues. Okay. Right.
Community Member [00:41:19]:
Tough. So we don't have to pay
Marc Tiny [00:41:20]:
for that. What's the timeline on that?
David Breniser [00:41:22]:
No. The the the retention pond is the maintenance of HOA.
Marc Tiny [00:41:26]:
So But
Community Member [00:41:26]:
I think that's what misheard.
David Breniser [00:41:28]:
Yeah. If I understood
Community Member [00:41:29]:
Well, that's that's user responsibility. HOA responsibility means monetary.
David Breniser [00:41:34]:
Right. Right.
Marc Tiny [00:41:35]:
That's Yeah. Yes. Thank you.
David Breniser [00:41:37]:
So and usually, I don't know, the property management usually,
David Breniser [00:41:40]:
they go and
David Breniser [00:41:41]:
schedule that and
David Breniser [00:41:42]:
get it taken
Marc Tiny [00:41:43]:
care of.
Community Member [00:41:43]:
And then with regards to having to pay for these different things, my husband and I put in other neighborhoods with HOAs, and we have been given pretty clear direction of what the finances look like, where monies are going. How can we kind of get some sort of
David Breniser [00:41:58]:
That's within him. That would be over,
Community Member [00:42:00]:
lower back here.
Marc Tiny [00:42:01]:
Okay. Okay? Can can that
David Breniser [00:42:03]:
can that be a mass email that you
Marc Tiny [00:42:04]:
send out
Community Member [00:42:05]:
for Yeah.
David Breniser [00:42:05]:
For budgetary type things that that Where where where our money's are going? Yeah.
David Breniser [00:42:08]:
What what's the income whatever the
Community Member [00:42:10]:
gonna be Yeah. I just I just downloaded the app today when I paid my stuff, and they've got a a documents link in there and the budget, the 2024 budget's in there. I don't know how often that gets
David Breniser [00:42:21]:
reviewed or
Community Member [00:42:22]:
We handed it out an annual meeting too. So So But it it could be made more available. Available. If you
David Breniser [00:42:26]:
all don't mind, again, I just wanna send Danny home.
David Breniser [00:42:29]:
He's okay.
David Breniser [00:42:30]:
He does. He does. Yeah. Great. If y'all need anything, contact down. I'll be glad to Yeah. To get back to you. Thank y'all.
Marc Tiny [00:42:35]:
Appreciate it. Yeah. Yeah.
Community Member [00:42:37]:
I'll definitely put him on the website.
Community Member [00:42:42]:
Oh, thanks, Dan.
Marc Tiny [00:42:44]:
Hey. There was
Marc Tiny [00:42:45]:
a, like,
Marc Tiny [00:42:45]:
a cool picture. Cool. Hey, look.
David Breniser [00:42:52]:
Stan, what's up? Okay.
Community Member [00:42:54]:
My turn.
Marc Tiny [00:42:55]:
I should
Community Member [00:42:55]:
be on my camera.
Marc Tiny [00:42:58]:
Community Member [00:42:58]:
next thing we wanna talk about
Marc Tiny [00:42:59]:
is the enforcement of
Community Member [00:42:59]:
the CC and the next
Marc Tiny [00:43:05]:
thing we wanna talk about is the enforcement of the CC and R's. There's when I stepped in, it's funny. I I started googling, like, okay. What does
Community Member [00:43:05]:
a good board do? You know, if you wanna do it responsibly and I started running into, like, the memes and the YouTube videos showing, like, the typical HOA that's, like, your glass grass is too long. It's too high. You know? It's like, like, woah. Is that what HOA records are doing? Of course, it's my first time being an HOA. So I'm like, what can we do? There's some people that wanna enforce it strictly. There's some people that don't want any enforcement. They'd rather not have an HOA. And there's a balance to how do we actually enforce the CC and Rs, like, the rules that we've all agreed to when we came into the neighborhood.
Community Member [00:43:38]:
The board and I discussed, like, the approach that we wanna take. And for now, we'd like to take a more, like, lenient approach, like, not coming through, like, strictly, which is why it was a it was a shame that that, like, violation went out for all the trash can things we were, like, voting on, like, right when that was happening. But we wanna take a more lenient approach. Obviously, the rules are rules for a reason, and we can work on changing the rules to fit more what we all want to have happen. But what we're going to do to enforce them is essentially let it rest until we start getting voices and talking about them. So when we start getting emails or when the acclaimed property management starts hearing about that, that will trigger the drive thru to come and actually check to see what's actually going on, and then the rules will be enforced. So that's the kind of philosophy that we're currently looking at for the CCR.
Marc Tiny [00:44:27]:
To that point Will those will there be notices sent out prior to stating we that this date on, we will be enforcing these rules, or are you just gonna blanket us with, a fine?
Community Member [00:44:42]:
You mean, like Well, whatever whatever
Marc Tiny [00:44:45]:
enforcement y'all decide to enforce?
Marc Tiny [00:44:47]:
Well, I
Community Member [00:44:47]:
mean, we have to if people are, like, talking about
Marc Tiny [00:44:52]:
Right. But like like, say, there's probably 10 houses in the neighborhood that have trailers in their parking lot or in their driveway, and that's against your CCRs. Yep. And it's been that way from the beginning. Same with the mobile home that's over there. But are you just going to send them a fine, or you're gonna contact or do a mass contact, whichever one's saying okay. Like
David Breniser [00:45:19]:
a correction letter.
Marc Tiny [00:45:20]:
A correction letter. We're we're going to start enforcing Yeah. Instead of because right now, it's it's kind of,
David Breniser [00:45:27]:
you know, it it's kind of
Marc Tiny [00:45:29]:
the wild west out here. You know, we know what the rules are to be a good human, but you we don't necessarily, you know, fight to them.
Community Member [00:45:35]:
I can speak to that.
David Breniser [00:45:36]:
Can I can I interject for just one thing and just based on my knowledge of enforcing city ordinance rules and regulations? Is there a lot of times municipalities won't, send out a violation unless there's a complaint issue. So if a homeowner wants to send in a written complaint saying that this guy's had his RV in there for 6 months, then it gives us the ability to really kinda say, hey. We have a complaint. And according to the rules and regulations of the, TCRs, we're requiring you a certain amount of time to go ahead and remove that. If it stays, then certain fines could be coming. That's just knowledge that we've talked about, but I'm sure that Norbeth's got a lot more to add on to that. I just wanted to figure that out as an explanation of of you saying, you know, just all of a sudden start by, violating you know, sending out violations to people. Usually, you gotta have a complaint before we really wanna be, aggressive
Marc Tiny [00:46:32]:
on that. Okay. I I understand that part
Marc Tiny [00:46:34]:
of it.
Community Member [00:46:35]:
Yeah. Thank you for that.
Community Member [00:46:36]:
And I can speak to you a little bit more. Hi. I'm Laura Beth. I'm with the claims property management. Sometimes I do the inspections. Sometimes somebody else in our office does the inspections. When they come out, they typically, will look at all the violations. So if they see a trailer, they'll send a letter.
Community Member [00:46:53]:
If they see a mom that's like, this call, they'll send a letter. The trash cans happened at once because we got several calls to the office asking why trash cans and other CCRs weren't being enforced, which prompted the inspection. And if you go down one street, you have to go down the other street. You can't just send it to one person that has
Marc Tiny [00:47:12]:
their driveway on it. You have to send it out, get everybody to be there, so require some new vehicles.
Community Member [00:47:16]:
And this. But luckily, the amendments I'm gonna go out here in a second. But, whenever we do an inspection, we try to be as fair as possible. So if you're going by complaints, like
Community Member [00:47:28]:
you said earlier, a lot of us just want
Community Member [00:47:31]:
more than this HOA and more want more stringent. And so if you're just focusing on one person who doesn't like what everybody's doing, are
Community Member [00:47:39]:
you just gonna do, like,
Community Member [00:47:40]:
one complaint from one person, or
Community Member [00:47:43]:
is it gonna be 1 person
Community Member [00:47:44]:
complaining multiple times and that would trigger Twitter? Like, how is that if you're just gonna go off what people are saying, how is that gonna be enforced so that it is fair and it's
Community Member [00:47:53]:
not one person looking for you
Marc Tiny [00:47:54]:
to do all day? Yeah.
Community Member [00:47:56]:
So whenever somebody comes out to do an inspection, they do an inspection of the neighborhood. Letter, you'll have 2 weeks to remediate the violation, whatever that looks like. They'll come back out 2 weeks later to see if that violation was remediated, overview of the neighborhood to see if there's anything crazy that's
Community Member [00:48:13]:
What what would trigger that initial?
Community Member [00:48:15]:
Because you said that it would be based off of complaints. So is there, So is there, like, a
Marc Tiny [00:48:20]:
set number of
Community Member [00:48:20]:
complaints, but a
Marc Tiny [00:48:20]:
set number of complaints?
David Breniser [00:48:21]:
No. I didn't say it was only based on a complaint. I said that's what municipalities typically do.
Marc Tiny [00:48:26]:
They said they did a
Community Member [00:48:28]:
Jan said that they're gonna
Community Member [00:48:29]:
do it based more off of just, like,
Marc Tiny [00:48:32]:
random. Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
Community Member [00:48:34]:
I typically like to do a drive through at least twice a month. Okay.
Community Member [00:48:38]:
So then why was
Community Member [00:48:39]:
the trash can one? Because we've been here for a year, and we've
Community Member [00:48:41]:
never gotten that before. So why was
Community Member [00:48:43]:
that never issued, and then all of a sudden, what?
Community Member [00:48:46]:
We got a lot of specific things about the fact that
Community Member [00:48:49]:
I think what what you're asking is,
Community Member [00:48:51]:
like, can you can you
Community Member [00:48:53]:
is there a quantity of complaints that triggers enforcement?
Marc Tiny [00:48:57]:
Is that
Community Member [00:48:57]:
what you're asking? There's a frequent flyer that
David Breniser [00:48:59]:
has nothing to do with
David Breniser [00:49:00]:
the claim.
Marc Tiny [00:49:01]:
Yeah. Like a
David Breniser [00:49:02]:
Karen? Is it just is it just one singular person complaining why complaining?
Marc Tiny [00:49:08]:
Multiple people?
Community Member [00:49:09]:
I think there's some discretion because if it's a major thing, like a safety thing, it can just be 1. If it's a minor thing, but lots of people are talking about it, then, you know, it's gotta be addressed.
Community Member [00:49:18]:
Whenever we get a complaint, we always take that at face value. We never just say, okay. And then issue is a violation. We always make sure we come out, get somebody's eyes on it because one neighbor could hate another neighbor and then wanna report
Marc Tiny [00:49:30]:
their Okay.
David Breniser [00:49:31]:
But but but let's let's
David Breniser [00:49:32]:
blanket that with a cigarette butt
David Breniser [00:49:33]:
that are in everybody's yard. And then and then the
Marc Tiny [00:49:37]:
the yards that are full of trash and then
David Breniser [00:49:40]:
they may be high. I
Marc Tiny [00:49:43]:
mean, I'm I'm I'm
David Breniser [00:49:44]:
not gonna call and complain about that because do your thing, but it's
Community Member [00:49:50]:
There's one car that sits at this pool and smoked a pack of cigarettes a fucking day to leave the pack of cigarettes out on that patio right there that Bark has had to clean up multiple fucking times because no one can clean up their own fucking cigarettes.
David Breniser [00:50:02]:
Like, every time we move the yard, there there's there I mean, I I can't but there's cigarette butts. There's trash. There's everything in my in my yard. I know I'm not putting it out there. Sorry for the Nerf Balls. That's for my kids. But
Marc Tiny [00:50:08]:
But But But But But But But But But But But But But But But But I'm not putting it out there.
Community Member [00:50:15]:
Sorry for the North Falls. But it's That's for my kids.
Marc Tiny [00:50:19]:
But but but but but we
Community Member [00:50:20]:
but we've also had that I had that
David Breniser [00:50:22]:
conversation. Like, I
David Breniser [00:50:23]:
I understand the kids are gonna be kids.
David Breniser [00:50:24]:
That is one thing. Yeah. But, like, when there's when there's dog crap and there's trash, like, literal trash in my yard, in my backyard, in my front yard, and and there's there's there's
Community Member [00:50:36]:
I think that's 6.
Marc Tiny [00:50:37]:
But, I
Community Member [00:50:37]:
mean, it's not the thing. I can't who who
David Breniser [00:50:40]:
we can't enforce that. That's impossible to enforce. But at the same time, we have we have homes in this neighborhood
Community Member [00:50:49]:
that Have knee high breath.
David Breniser [00:50:51]:
Have knee knee high and we're obviously, I'm exaggerating. Well, there are actually
David Breniser [00:51:00]:
that maybe periodically, a courtesy message could go out to the homeowners.
Community Member [00:51:06]:
But what is their
David Breniser [00:51:06]:
Identify it.
Marc Tiny [00:51:08]:
What is their What is their
Community Member [00:51:08]:
say that they grabbed a second watch it. It rains some time. They knew it was that high. The courtesy message in
Community Member [00:51:12]:
that time
David Breniser [00:51:13]:
is as is as good as a warning of the threat.
Marc Tiny [00:51:15]:
Do you
David Breniser [00:51:15]:
have an alternative?
David Breniser [00:51:17]:
An alternative? Yeah. Is that I go mow the grass and and then I get paid. And then I
Marc Tiny [00:51:21]:
and then I clean up the
David Breniser [00:51:23]:
yards and I get paid. Unless we hire a company that does that The problem I have
Marc Tiny [00:51:28]:
with that, hiring a company to do that. I do. That
David Breniser [00:51:31]:
that's my friend. If
Marc Tiny [00:51:32]:
you got some I don't wanna do that. You got some choker that that goes out there and find one little spread and use some weed, and it will measure and take a picture of it and then go cut the entire grass.
David Breniser [00:51:44]:
Charge $200 for that. That's where I stand
Community Member [00:51:57]:
navigate that. If we tell her what is most important to us, we don't like the knee high grass. We don't like the the campers and stuff, walk in the sidewalk, certain things. They will kind of have a priority list when they come out in effect. If she's coming out every 2 weeks or somebody's coming out every 2 weeks, they know what to look for, but we have to inform her of that.
Community Member [00:52:14]:
Yes. Yeah. You guys are here all the time. We're just doing drive bys periodically. So if you see something, please send me an email, call our office, let us know.
David Breniser [00:52:23]:
How long
Community Member [00:52:24]:
have you been doing these drive bys? So I took over as a property manager a
David Breniser [00:52:30]:
couple months ago. Yeah. When it's listed here.
Community Member [00:52:32]:
That. So and we really work right over there. You see something wrong there? Yes, ma'am. And that is on the radar. Yes. It's being addressed right.
David Breniser [00:52:39]:
What what specific issue
Marc Tiny [00:52:40]:
are you talking about?
Marc Tiny [00:52:42]:
The unfenced pool.
Community Member [00:52:43]:
The unfenced pool. We shut down ours, but I
Community Member [00:52:46]:
have an unfenced pool. Pool.
Marc Tiny [00:52:47]:
No. It's already been addressed. Trust me. It was addressed a week ago
Community Member [00:52:51]:
or 4
Marc Tiny [00:52:52]:
or 5 days ago.
Marc Tiny [00:52:53]:
So is
Community Member [00:52:53]:
there gotta be complaints? So many complaints there
Community Member [00:52:56]:
for me. They have to legally give them so many warnings before they can do anything. So you can shut down our pool in one day when a baby's phone,
Community Member [00:53:03]:
but you
Marc Tiny [00:53:04]:
guys can We did not shut down
Community Member [00:53:05]:
the pool. That was the health department.
Marc Tiny [00:53:08]:
And and and and
Community Member [00:53:08]:
and and and and we
David Breniser [00:53:10]:
and we understand that. But I I think I think the onus is upon the property management to immediately check what has been said. Because like I said, we do. Like, I I I get I get a couple days off, man. It's I my job ain't even
Community Member [00:53:28]:
if I if I wanna come up
David Breniser [00:53:30]:
to the pool and relax and have a couple of drinks and chill and and and and as far as I'm aware, aside from the the very limited common areas that we have that are managed by HOA.
Marc Tiny [00:53:42]:
The pool is there.
David Breniser [00:53:44]:
That's it. Yeah. If if I can't come and enjoy my, whatever, $37 a month that I paid to come enjoy this, when it would have been a simple thing for somebody to come and go, hey, the phone works. Like, whereas we have a a functional pool right here on the
Marc Tiny [00:54:05]:
backyard of our pool. When that house was getting the gravel brought in, it was identified to the property management. Hey. This is going in. There was an email that was sent out. The letter was sent out within 2 days later, a cease and desist, and you have to take it down. That has already been done. There's kids.
Community Member [00:54:25]:
I see that. I know.
Marc Tiny [00:54:27]:
But then
Marc Tiny [00:54:27]:
we're still in the process. You're you're talking about the legal process of making them take it down at this point.
David Breniser [00:54:33]:
It's not the legal. It was closed. We're we're not I I don't I don't care. I don't think anybody cares cares if they
David Breniser [00:54:39]:
have a pool in their backyard.
David Breniser [00:54:41]:
I don't think anyone here cares. I think it's like like, as far as this phone appears, it was closing the pool down over over and not not working. It's 2024 guys, like like Yeah.
Marc Tiny [00:54:54]:
The They're all the help that they're going in because they're the ones
Community Member [00:54:55]:
who shut it down. I understand that. Yeah.
Marc Tiny [00:54:58]:
I understand that. But
David Breniser [00:54:59]:
we were Yeah. Yeah. I'm gonna not suggest that it's close. Right. You got 4 CPR certified individuals that are up there with working cell phones with other people up there with working cell phones. Yep. I think that is one of the most asinine things to close a full floor, and
Community Member [00:55:22]:
I I think there
David Breniser [00:55:22]:
are bigger issues. I I I
David Breniser [00:55:24]:
heard there's just I'm gonna and I and I think everybody in the community would would would agree that That's what we fucking pay for. It's and because that is like she said, that is the only thing that that that I'm aware that our monies go to to to maintain, keep open, and let us enjoy during the times that we're able to enjoy it. That is that is my normal road. Right? Right. Road paving be damned. Let let them deal with that because that that's that's put on its own in for that as well. But that is what we as a community pay for, and that is what we expect to be available to us when it is supposed to be available.
Marc Tiny [00:56:03]:
So it was the Marshall County Health Department that came in and stated, hey. This is not working. They notified property management. And and when
David Breniser [00:56:11]:
and when did they come verify that
Community Member [00:56:13]:
it was Yesterday.
Community Member [00:56:15]:
Yesterday. And it's working today.
Marc Tiny [00:56:17]:
So for whatever reason now it is working. Here it is. It was what 5, about 4:30, 5 o'clock that we discovered that it
Community Member [00:56:25]:
was 30, and it was green and brightening, and and he says it himself, and it did call itself a lovebird. So Yes, ma'am.
Marc Tiny [00:56:32]:
But once we've identified and we now can state, hey. It is working. We're gonna get in touch with them by tomorrow and let them know.
David Breniser [00:56:39]:
And not not this is not on here. Sure. It's not on the problem. It's not it's not on any one of But there has to be a checks and balances whenever something has said, hey. This this is not work not not working. Us is a new year. Hey. And now that we're not able to access said amenities, it should
Marc Tiny [00:57:02]:
be unique
David Breniser [00:57:04]:
that That is checked. And and and we get that we get that checking. That's either. Yeah, it's working.
Community Member [00:57:11]:
Or check our trash can or it
Marc Tiny [00:57:14]:
was was addressed immediately. Soon as we knew about it, Barbette had already made the phone calls.
Community Member [00:57:19]:
It didn't work last year either. So what's now?
Marc Tiny [00:57:21]:
They already made the phone calls for the emergency phone company and got things in process to get going.
David Breniser [00:57:28]:
Well, specifically with the pool. Like, specifically with the pool.
Marc Tiny [00:57:32]:
Because because this They're like Those those
David Breniser [00:57:44]:
So within those within those guidelines,
Marc Tiny [00:57:47]:
it says that there has
Marc Tiny [00:57:48]:
to be
David Breniser [00:57:48]:
a phone on premise. I just
Marc Tiny [00:57:49]:
hope that doesn't that's it.
David Breniser [00:57:52]:
I mean, could we as a community
Marc Tiny [00:57:57]:
talk with the health Try it. See what they do. What? No. But you're an individual citizen. You can state, hey. I'm CPR certified. I'm the police department worker. X, y, and z.
Marc Tiny [00:58:12]:
Can this be done? It was some of the other phone calls or discussions from other homeowners that we discovered, hey. These pool lights don't have to be on until from dusk to dawn. Correct. So we were able to come in and make that change. We helped identify that through someone else making the phone calls.
Community Member [00:58:29]:
You're welcome. You can call me out. I don't care. Listen. It's so bad. Left my But still It's
Marc Tiny [00:58:36]:
knows you're less evil. Don't let somebody that larger issues and and And
Community Member [00:58:36]:
it's and
Marc Tiny [00:58:42]:
It's it's been
David Breniser [00:58:43]:
it being the the day and age that it is where where we shut down a community pool that is probably the most important thing for most people here as far as amenities go. Go. What what whatever is what is promised. I don't
David Breniser [00:58:55]:
think that there's anybody here that's not disagreeing
Community Member [00:58:58]:
with you. Can I interrupt you just a second? Vocal. That phone says your son's life. Sure.
David Breniser [00:59:03]:
I I I don't disagree with you.
Community Member [00:59:05]:
I was in the pool holding him. My daughter had to go push the button. Sure.
David Breniser [00:59:09]:
So, I mean, very important. We don't need a working phone. I don't disagree that we need but but it is but it is it is functional. But I I I think there are I think there are are
Marc Tiny [00:59:21]:
there was
Community Member [00:59:22]:
a girl today at the club that said the phone did not dial when she needed to call it the most on a son that was had his hand in the in the That was my swim. It did dial. Yeah. No. She dialed it. It. It did not dial. She called in her own phone.
Community Member [00:59:38]:
Yeah. And then got emergency service. That phone did not work. It was Well, it phone that dialed. Did go through. But Did she on the phone already. Yeah. It didn't go through.
Community Member [00:59:46]:
So just to be clear, there's there's, like, a Marshall County Health Department concern about their the the antiquated regulations that got the pools. Right?
David Breniser [00:59:55]:
That that's beyond what we So
Community Member [00:59:56]:
so then so then just just to make sure because I'm coming to this new.
David Breniser [01:00:01]:
Right? What do you
Community Member [01:00:02]:
want the board to do different?
Marc Tiny [01:00:05]:
Fix the
Community Member [01:00:05]:
one amenity we paid for.
David Breniser [01:00:07]:
No. That's what I'm saying.
Community Member [01:00:08]:
It's like Marshall County came and shut it down. What can the board do differently?
David Breniser [01:00:11]:
Before we open it, let's do an inspection. Yeah. I mean, weeks before
Community Member [01:00:15]:
And it sounds like what you're saying is when they inspect and say there's a problem, can we verify?
David Breniser [01:00:18]:
And that was yeah.
David Breniser [01:00:19]:
But but
David Breniser [01:00:19]:
that was on the back end. Yeah. From what I understand. Yeah. Me too. From what I'm understanding, it was on the back end of of of of an inspection after the opening was The
David Breniser [01:00:28]:
only thing I can add, we did have some severe storms recently, and that might have played a role in the back of the phone didn't answer. I did.
Marc Tiny [01:00:34]:
I'm not
David Breniser [01:00:34]:
saying it did, but that could have been something that took the, you know, that caused it to not work.
Community Member [01:00:41]:
Somebody from the neighborhood did message me and said, hey. It might be a good idea to come up with the checklist before you open up the pool. And I was like, great idea. Added it to my
David Breniser [01:00:49]:
my Well, we do have we do have that policy, I believe. Right? Every every every season, we'll ask to go through inspections and it has
Community Member [01:00:56]:
to be here in
David Breniser [01:00:57]:
the last It's already a policy and procedures that the property management company contractors are
Marc Tiny [01:01:03]:
trying to do checklist that the pool cleaning company does on the pool and a checklist for things that they do when they go to close it down. We could possibly get with and make sure that the phone is Yeah. Other things that it does. Hey.
Community Member [01:01:16]:
So last year, we had the issue with the child getting sick in the pool and having to close the pool down and all that stuff since we're on the topic of school. Yep. We have somewhere posted, and y'all might already have it posted by the pool, and I just haven't seen it. Instructions on how to handle a situation like that so the pool is not just closed for the weekend? I know last time you cleaned it. That's really not your job to do that. I understand that. And I don't expect you to do that, but is there, like, a policy so we can get it back up and running pretty quickly? Or Well,
David Breniser [01:01:47]:
I think that that would be, the health department would make would have guidelines for something like that that maybe we could
Marc Tiny [01:01:54]:
follow? Yeah. I know that there's nothing that states, you know, hey. If you get a brown in the pool or if someone gets sick or whatnot, call this number. It's nothing up there, but I know the pool company, the cleaning company, their sign is on the front. And definitely Well, I just know last last
Community Member [01:02:12]:
year, they they told us,
Community Member [01:02:13]:
oh, it'll be a few
Community Member [01:02:14]:
days before we can get there or a week before we can get there. So is there something else that we can do or supplies that we have or
Marc Tiny [01:02:21]:
is there
Marc Tiny [01:02:21]:
something in
Community Member [01:02:21]:
the neighborhood that would be willing to because, I mean, that's what
David Breniser [01:02:25]:
Mike Financials,
Marc Tiny [01:02:28]:
the amount the the erroneous amount of money that we paid for the short amount of time to this bull company to take care of the bull. They should be on call 247 or something like that to come out even if it is a weekend. So when that did happen last year, I reached out and asked, hey. Could we be trained to know how to be able to shock the the pool to get the process started. And then once the cleaning guys can come in to make sure everything is done correctly, they did show me the steps on how to get that done, and I've shared the information with both the board members. So that way, they'll know how to get it started. And then you still have that time frame where the ammonia and the chlorine has to get out of the water. Otherwise, you get in seeing just fine and then you don't see.
Marc Tiny [01:03:14]:
But but
David Breniser [01:03:14]:
please but please don't think that we think the vetchill is possible.
Community Member [01:03:17]:
Yeah. Well, I'm
Marc Tiny [01:03:18]:
not gonna because Yeah. I need to know.
David Breniser [01:03:20]:
So It's not. Going through this, I'm just making a note, and, we're gonna talk about this in our meetings and everything. And we're gonna ask Laura Beth to really hone in on those regulations, getting the information from the health department, finding out what their, specific, responsibilities are from the pool cleaning company, their hours of operation, emergency call situation. We can see if we can hone all that in and possibly put together this policy and share it with y'all and, maybe even post it, something like that. You can, you know, get more in-depth on these issues because I agree with you. This is one of the reasons why we chose the subdivision as well. And, when it goes down, especially just before a holiday weekend Sure. That's not gonna make a lot of people very happy.
Community Member [01:04:06]:
Yeah. If we could touch things on the website that Dan created, I would appreciate that because
Marc Tiny [01:04:11]:
that's the
Community Member [01:04:11]:
first place
Marc Tiny [01:04:15]:
I personally wanna thank all homeowners, anybody that's come up to the pool whenever I've been there for not calling PETA about the beach dwell. Thank you.
Community Member [01:04:24]:
You look amazing.
David Breniser [01:04:28]:
Door, Beth, anything else you
Community Member [01:04:30]:
can continue? We can talk about the amendments. It is very, very close to passing. I have ballots. Anybody has not yet voted on the trash can amendment.
Marc Tiny [01:04:40]:
And Can
David Breniser [01:04:40]:
you speak on the the the the details of that?
Community Member [01:04:43]:
Yes. I can. Yeah. So there's an amendment going on right now to your CC and Rs to change the trash cans where right now they state that they have to be out of public view. This new amendment would allow them to be placed on the side of the garage and be seen from street view. Court says you could place them out of public view if that's your preference. But we need 51% of community members to vote in favor of it for it to pass, and we're very, very close. So if anybody has not voted
Marc Tiny [01:05:13]:
And then also the, the portion of the fireworks.
Community Member [01:05:16]:
Second part. Yeah. Mhmm. Yeah. The second part talks about when fireworks can be set off. It really puts it back to what the city states when fireworks can be set off. It's not a huge change. It's just saying this is what the city's rules are.
Community Member [01:05:30]:
We're adopting that as our rules as well. And I have both amendments here if you wanna read them fully. Or if you wanna vote yes for 1 and no for another, then just let me know and we
Community Member [01:05:40]:
can work that on this.
David Breniser [01:05:42]:
Yes. Yes. Yes.
Marc Tiny [01:05:43]:
For all
David Breniser [01:05:43]:
of them. Yes?
Community Member [01:05:45]:
If you wanna vote separate on each issue, then you can just let me bookmark it on the sheet or send me an email if you've already voted and you'd like to change. So they're both very close to casting. If anybody wants a ballot, if you'll raise your hand, I can hand it to you. I know. I do. I don't think
Marc Tiny [01:06:01]:
I can.
Marc Tiny [01:06:02]:
Okay. Yeah. Okay. There was an online phone. Yeah. Yes. Okay. Yeah.
Marc Tiny [01:06:07]:
Yeah. That's the I'll talk again.
Marc Tiny [01:06:27]:
Just the trash can.
Community Member [01:06:31]:
Do they need to put their address
Marc Tiny [01:06:32]:
on it?
Community Member [01:06:33]:
Yes. Yeah.
Marc Tiny [01:06:33]:
Community Member [01:06:34]:
And it there's a spot on
Marc Tiny [01:06:35]:
there. Okay. And you fill
Community Member [01:06:36]:
it out. Is this also sort
David Breniser [01:06:38]:
over there? So
Community Member [01:06:39]:
so fireworks
Community Member [01:06:40]:
are, the trash cans don't necessarily
Marc Tiny [01:06:42]:
brought up about, you know, why was it that the the
David Breniser [01:06:46]:
trash cans were able to be put out
Marc Tiny [01:06:48]:
all year long, but then the boat was put up, and then all of a sudden, a drive by was created. And there was people that had contacted Barbet and had asked, oh, blank. Hey. Why should we vote on where to store this when nothing's been done in the meantime beforehand? Several people did that, so that prompted them coming in and doing that. There wasn't a, Laura Beth asked the asked the board, hey, how much time frame do you want? And we chose to not put a time frame on it. So that way, it wasn't gotta vote within a week or 2 weeks. We were honestly just wanting people to vote for it to pass. This isn't anything that we're trying to do as is for the current CC and R so that we absolutely have to have passed.
Marc Tiny [01:07:36]:
We don't think it passes, but that's the only reason that no deadline was put on. Okay. Thing. So so the current
David Breniser [01:07:43]:
the question was raised raised. How many HOA's are in the city?
Marc Tiny [01:07:47]:
Do we do we know that?
Community Member [01:07:48]:
HOA's are in Chapel Hill? Correct. I I only know our company manages these and then the town.
David Breniser [01:07:56]:
So this this community
David Breniser [01:08:01]:
and the Different developer, by the way. Sure. Yeah. Yeah.
Marc Tiny [01:08:23]:
But what the reason yeah.
Marc Tiny [01:08:25]:
I I it's just a question that
Community Member [01:08:27]:
I you manage both this and the town homes, do the town own homes pay an HOA fee since they use this pool all the time? Yes. Yes.
David Breniser [01:08:34]:
Their HOA
Community Member [01:08:35]:
can be higher because they also have to put in a roof. Yep.
Community Member [01:08:38]:
Because they have shared roofs. Because they paid $37 in the RHOA.
Community Member [01:08:42]:
Yeah. Yeah. It actually helps our HOA. Yeah. Yeah.
Marc Tiny [01:08:44]:
There was
Community Member [01:08:45]:
a rumor that they weren't.
Marc Tiny [01:08:46]:
That's why
Marc Tiny [01:08:46]:
I was clarifying. No. That was
Community Member [01:08:48]:
why we asked if so.
David Breniser [01:08:49]:
Yeah. No. It was very clear in the budget meeting, that they that they paid and they paid us
Marc Tiny [01:08:56]:
Yeah. So everything that we're paying for isn't just for the pool. A part of what we pay for with the HOA is our insurance on the common area properties, maintaining the common area with the grass cutting and everything, street lights, sprinklers, a lot goes into different things that we pay for the HOA to come in. A part of what we do also pay for them is to uphold those CC and Rs whenever there is those what ifs, those situations where someone isn't cutting their grass or they're creating problems, or they're holding
David Breniser [01:09:32]:
a party at 3 AM.
Marc Tiny [01:09:35]:
Different things like that that we need their assistance with. I can't get it out. Yeah. Yeah.
Community Member [01:09:40]:
They don't like me anymore. But it was 2 AM and my toddler was screaming. So
David Breniser [01:09:45]:
Yeah. One thing the subdivision has, it has a lot of police officers in it. Yeah.
Community Member [01:09:49]:
Yeah. Law enforcement is And
David Breniser [01:09:51]:
we think the cops Just to speak of the law enforcement
Marc Tiny [01:09:55]:
side of
David Breniser [01:09:55]:
things, if there's if there are things that you need or want, don't feel like it's a burden to the police department. Call them for a question extra patrol. And if there
David Breniser [01:10:08]:
are issues that you see that need to be addressed,
David Breniser [01:10:12]:
I promise you, we we I don't I don't work
David Breniser [01:10:15]:
in this city. But But that's good good advice anywhere. But
David Breniser [01:10:19]:
they the the police department. I love seeing the cop cars drive through. Whenever I see Chapel Hill drive through this neighborhood Yeah. My heart swells.
David Breniser [01:10:27]:
I gotta know what was happening.
Marc Tiny [01:10:29]:
Very pleased with the presence we have from Chapel Hill through here. They're very nice.
David Breniser [01:10:30]:
Quite Capitol Hill through here.
Community Member [01:10:32]:
They're very nice. White ship.
Marc Tiny [01:10:33]:
Yeah. They can't. Good good dude to work to this park. Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
David Breniser [01:10:38]:
So our kids see them
Community Member [01:10:39]:
all the time. They're great. Yeah.
Marc Tiny [01:10:40]:
Yeah. Yeah.
Community Member [01:10:41]:
It's a safer state where we're living. So if if if
David Breniser [01:10:45]:
you have issues that are that pertain to to actual legal issues and city ordinances or whatever, call them request extra patrols because they will come. I've seen them here. They've done it. They've done it for me. I I promise you they'll do it. That's right.
Marc Tiny [01:11:02]:
Yep. Turn off some negative. Absolutely. So did we get enough balance turned in?
Community Member [01:11:09]:
I I just need a pen.
Marc Tiny [01:11:11]:
It's in
Marc Tiny [01:11:11]:
the middle of it.
Community Member [01:11:11]:
There's a pen right here.
Community Member [01:11:14]:
Here, I can I
David Breniser [01:11:15]:
get what you can use?
David Breniser [01:11:16]:
You got it? Okay. That's a VidaJoy. That's a nice one.
Community Member [01:11:20]:
Yeah. Basically. And then you're allowed
David Breniser [01:11:35]:
Which what kind of meetings are
Marc Tiny [01:11:36]:
you referring to?
Community Member [01:11:37]:
Like the budgets meetings or annual meetings?
David Breniser [01:11:41]:
Well, there's only 1, annual meeting. I think it's once a year. Right? Yes. But we just the board members meet, once a month. Oh, just for me. Yeah. We just we just go over the issues, and we talk about things and how we can better the community in community things. What's that? Could that be
David Breniser [01:12:00]:
something that's open to the community?
Marc Tiny [01:12:02]:
I I you know,
David Breniser [01:12:03]:
I think that's what we're doing here today.
Community Member [01:12:05]:
Well, yeah. Yeah. I think it's
David Breniser [01:12:07]:
something like this once a quarter or whatever the board sees fit will be beneficial to especially this specific community because of of of the diversity that's here, the opinions that are here. Obviously, I'm outspoken into. My name my concerns of
Marc Tiny [01:12:34]:
the community far outweigh
David Breniser [01:12:34]:
what what the HOA board, the property management, all that is good to see whatever is good. I I I think that quarterly would be appropriate situation if
David Breniser [01:12:52]:
the board members need property management company that deals with this on a regular basis. So what do you think about that idea?
Marc Tiny [01:13:00]:
I think
Marc Tiny [01:13:00]:
it would be appropriate. Quarterly meetings?
David Breniser [01:13:02]:
Quarterly meetings with with the homeowners invited to to voice opinions or whatever.
Community Member [01:13:08]:
Yeah. Especially as we're waiting on the road paving
David Breniser [01:13:11]:
and all these other issues. Of the blaring issues that we have that are that are staring at us as
Community Member [01:13:17]:
it were. Things on the board we can talk about if we wanna do a big meeting. Sometimes I have other boards that homeowners can join. We lost the time you'd on Zoom, but they just join.
Marc Tiny [01:13:29]:
You said
David Breniser [01:13:29]:
you guys do monthly meetings. Correct? Yeah.
David Breniser [01:13:31]:
Yeah. We usually do Monthly meetings.
David Breniser [01:13:33]:
I don't I don't personally I
Community Member [01:13:35]:
I don't speak for everyone, but
David Breniser [01:13:37]:
I personally, I don't see an issue with with with a quarterly meeting. Obviously, 4
Community Member [01:13:42]:
times a year
Community Member [01:13:43]:
with with
David Breniser [01:13:43]:
the logistics of that might be I mean, we might have to rent a place which would cost money in the winter. Though. That might not work out. I mean, I don't I'm just saying
Marc Tiny [01:13:53]:
come to
David Breniser [01:13:53]:
my house.
Marc Tiny [01:13:54]:
Now I I will say this.
David Breniser [01:13:58]:
Marc Tiny [01:13:59]:
those of
Marc Tiny [01:13:59]:
you that came to the last board meeting when we had it at the Chapel Hill Community Center. That is no bueno. Not gonna happen anymore going forward. We're gonna try and get this, church that's right in front of the high school. Sure.
David Breniser [01:14:14]:
They do open up. They've got
Marc Tiny [01:14:15]:
that big gymnasium, and they just ask for a goodwill donation back to the church to be able to use it, and there's plenty of parking all around the church and in the school parking lot. So we got a lot of areas. The parking was the biggest thing for the Chapel Hill Community Center. Yeah. So but when we had to have the second meeting, we were right there at Christmas and everywhere was booked and we couldn't get in. So we had to have it the second time at the community center. But just to let you know, going forward, we're gonna try and keep saying we. They're they should be trying to go elsewhere.
David Breniser [01:14:53]:
You're the president now. Right?
Marc Tiny [01:14:54]:
Go on. That's right.
David Breniser [01:14:55]:
So we we know when the meetings are gonna take place. If if if there's a booking issue, I'm sure that 4 to 6 months in advance would mitigate that with no issues.
David Breniser [01:15:08]:
Yeah. I mean I mean, it doesn't sound unreasonable. No.
Marc Tiny [01:15:11]:
I I I would agree.
Community Member [01:15:12]:
Alright. I think Dan, can I speak? So one of the things like, I have no experience in HOAs. I'm just gonna put that out there. I talked to Dan. The reason that they asked me to jump in is I I spent a bunch of my career working on systems and processes for quality management and medical devices. And so, like, systems are my thing. And so a lot of the stuff that I've felt is missing, that y'all are saying is, like,
Marc Tiny [01:15:32]:
there aren't communication systems. There aren't systems for maintenance. There aren't, like, all
Community Member [01:15:32]:
this stuff's missing. Aren't systems for tech maintenance. There aren't like, all this stuff's missed. Systems for managing it. I wanna help figure that stuff out. And so feedback like that is super helpful. Like, I've I'm with you. Like, I'm I've been on the sidelines of this since we moved in a couple years ago.
Community Member [01:15:48]:
And I'm like, we got we gotta get this smoother because, like, a a touch point. What like, when I heard that the meetings were just once a year, I was like, you've gotta be kidding me. Yeah. Like, I I expect more from that from myself. And so, for sure, like, my like, that's the reason why I'm coming to this. Like, let's smooth some of that out, and then come November, get someone in here who can just maintain
David Breniser [01:16:08]:
them. So If you guys are having
Community Member [01:16:10]:
So why aren't we using the website more
David Breniser [01:16:14]:
Which thank you, Dan. For
Community Member [01:16:16]:
Yeah. So Dan suggestions. Dan built a what? Dan Dan built that website. Website.
Community Member [01:16:21]:
There is. Yeah. Yes. Okay. So wire.
Community Member [01:16:23]:
And I do take complaints through it. I've gotten 1, maybe 2 complaints through the website.
Marc Tiny [01:16:27]:
They usually come to me via Facebook DM or one of the
Community Member [01:16:27]:
other board members. It's on. Or they call a plane.
Community Member [01:16:33]:
You're you're right. What Dan has done would cost $10,000 to have any website developer do at all. It's just somebody who's in the industry. So it was a huge gift Yeah. That he has done for the community by building it just out of the kindness of his heart because it is not cheap to build it, have a website built, and it is not easy to build it. GoDaddy ain't cheap.
Marc Tiny [01:16:56]:
And at
Community Member [01:16:57]:
the end, it's posting the meetings there.
Community Member [01:17:00]:
I do.
Community Member [01:17:00]:
Meetings scheduled, we post them there.
Community Member [01:17:02]:
I do not I I I I've I've
David Breniser [01:17:03]:
she's my web workers. Yeah. Or I just go to your available information.
Community Member [01:17:08]:
I post
Marc Tiny [01:17:09]:
them on Facebook. Yeah.
David Breniser [01:17:10]:
To everyone Yeah. With without having to dig.
Community Member [01:17:13]:
Yeah. Like,
David Breniser [01:17:13]:
Facebook's great, but not as This man is
Community Member [01:17:16]:
30 years old with a lot of Facebook. So
Marc Tiny [01:17:18]:
Yeah. I I
David Breniser [01:17:19]:
I post understand. Yeah.
Community Member [01:17:21]:
I post it to the website, but what we might need to do is build an email list. So because if you're not checking it regularly, like, how would you know I updated the website? Right? So that's something I can add. It's just an email place so that every time I do update, it goes up. Yeah.
David Breniser [01:17:34]:
Yeah. Because I'm not required. Right? Yeah. But I I I think that everyone just wants that that accessibility to information
Marc Tiny [01:17:42]:
David Breniser [01:17:43]:
That everyone wants the brains to be able to voice their opinions, to be able to make this community what we all want it to
Marc Tiny [01:17:50]:
be. Yeah.
Community Member [01:17:50]:
Without it devolving into Facebook comment about that. People boxing it. Yeah.
Community Member [01:17:54]:
Yeah. So right,
David Breniser [01:17:55]:
Eric, what what were you wondering? I'm
Marc Tiny [01:17:57]:
willing to do that.
David Breniser [01:17:58]:
Yeah. Yeah.
David Breniser [01:17:59]:
So I'm really gonna say
Marc Tiny [01:18:00]:
I love that you let your first name
Marc Tiny [01:18:01]:
first step in your life because I said, yeah.
Marc Tiny [01:18:01]:
You're welcome. Pete. You are. You are.
David Breniser [01:18:08]:
We are hopeful and we're complicated and, there's good and bad with that. I mean, one of the things that we wanna we we should always be trying to remember is that, there's certain information that is going to be best for that public facing website. Like, information about, you know, our like our CC CC and R's, those those are fine up there. You know, postings about general information about, hey, community meetings and stuff like that. It may not be wise or prudent to have the budget public, posted publicly there. That's why we have the portal that, that we have access to as well. I I deal with a lot of, data security training at work, that they make me deal with. So there's there's proprietary information that's included in budget that you don't want getting out, generally speaking.
David Breniser [01:19:04]:
So, so don't be afraid to use your portal even though it maybe kinda sucks because most portals kinda suck. It's okay.
David Breniser [01:19:15]:
Use that as much as you can.
Marc Tiny [01:19:16]:
If you have questions,
Community Member [01:19:17]:
ask our board. I downloaded the app today. It doesn't suck as much as I thought it would. So that's good. There you go. You just look up the claim property management on the App Store or Android and just log in with your Yeah. Thing.
Community Member [01:19:28]:
Liar. So anybody wants to
Marc Tiny [01:19:29]:
You can
Community Member [01:19:29]:
get to the documents there. Like, as far as, like, legally like, this is the thing that I've been thankful for is Dan stepped up and done the website. But, like, legally, as far as what the so, like, what the association has to produce has to be on there. That's that's behind an authenticator. You put your password in and you you know it's you. It's not out there for everybody. So all your you know, any violations have digital versions on there, any bills, like, I pay my bill on there. Like, I'm I'm leaning back on that for now.
Community Member [01:19:55]:
And then, like, yeah, if Dan can add stuff to the website, awesome. But as far as, like, mission critical stuff goes, it's all gonna gonna be in that portal because that's what we're paying the property management company for.
Marc Tiny [01:20:03]:
Yep. Can
Community Member [01:20:04]:
we get the meeting minutes? I'm assuming those are Yeah.
David Breniser [01:20:09]:
Yeah. E ease of use, I think, is what most of us want.
Marc Tiny [01:20:13]:
Yeah. Same. And and and
David Breniser [01:20:14]:
and and for 1, I'm I'm sort of too tech stupid as it comes. But It's Somewhat difficult to navigate for for things that I'm looking for.
Community Member [01:20:37]:
David Breniser [01:20:37]:
I think Dan's website is
Community Member [01:20:39]:
is credible. 100%.
David Breniser [01:20:41]:
100%. It is
David Breniser [01:20:41]:
it that is I think for for me, not speaking for everyone else, I think that with the access of what we have, you'll confirm that his website is if we could transfer Yeah. Literally everything that that that the app offers to to Dan's website.
Community Member [01:21:00]:
I'll try my best to link more to the website. If it's something like the budget, which after the first comment, I was like, oh, put it on the website. Now I'm like, oh, maybe don't put it on the website. So now maybe what I'll do is I'll link to it from the website, but to the password protected page. Right.
Marc Tiny [01:21:13]:
So so
Marc Tiny [01:21:14]:
if you get into passwords so
Community Member [01:21:17]:
so the problem is if there's any legally sensitive or personal information Yeah. The type of basic password stuff you can do through, like, a Squarespace or a basic web is doesn't cut it.
Marc Tiny [01:21:26]:
And so that's where I'm I'm overly aware. Yeah.
Marc Tiny [01:21:29]:
Yeah. Yeah.
Community Member [01:21:29]:
So I I As much as as much as we can, I would I'd love to see that? I'd love it to be easier than using the app because I agree it's clunky. And I think it's it feels reasonable to say to the extent that it's safe to put it out there. Yeah. It doesn't put people personal information at risk. Yeah.
David Breniser [01:21:42]:
That's my worry Yeah. Is is we all want the information.
Marc Tiny [01:21:46]:
Yeah. Yeah.
David Breniser [01:21:46]:
And obviously, it it's a a a good Google search of my name can pull up my thing because there are really Yeah. We don't want that for for a simple HOA website. But I I think ease of use is the biggest thing that most of us want. Yeah. And if if some way that we can find a good middle ground for all that, for the documents for for the CCF line.
Marc Tiny [01:22:12]:
Whatever we
Marc Tiny [01:22:13]:
wanna do.
Marc Tiny [01:22:13]:
Yeah. It's
David Breniser [01:22:14]:
and and and for for complaints, whatever, to all be at one place that is Uber easily accessible. For for the lowest common denominator to be able to find and use and and to make this community what
Marc Tiny [01:22:28]:
we want it
Community Member [01:22:29]:
to be.
Community Member [01:22:29]:
I only design websites for the lowest common denominator.
Marc Tiny [01:22:32]:
That's me, bro. That's me, brother.
David Breniser [01:22:34]:
That's me.
Marc Tiny [01:22:35]:
I still know who,
Marc Tiny [01:22:36]:
that's for all
Marc Tiny [01:22:36]:
good demo. That's great.
Community Member [01:22:38]:
I have kind of maybe a silly question. Sure. I'm sorry for asking a lot of them, but do we pay the the the claim, whatever management for like, if, say, we all decide to send in our a a complaint today, do we pay them for each time they're having to open those complaints? Like, would it save us as a community money to submit them and let the board kind of make decisions on that? Or sorry. Do
Marc Tiny [01:23:03]:
we pay
Community Member [01:23:04]:
per complaint issued, like, when you have to send a letter out?
Community Member [01:23:06]:
Or do
Community Member [01:23:07]:
we chart do we pay per letter sent out?
Community Member [01:23:09]:
There's a verse lateral. Hours.
Community Member [01:23:11]:
I mean, there there's for the piece of paper, but it's very minor. It's not, like, a significant cost.
Community Member [01:23:19]:
Yeah. I just I was curious. And in in Virginia, we were paying at a cost for a certain I mean, it was a certain number. Yeah. So it's
Community Member [01:23:27]:
You're just covering your your fixed cost? Yeah.
Marc Tiny [01:23:30]:
Yeah. The fixed mailing. Curiosity.
Community Member [01:23:34]:
Because it but if it's gonna save
Marc Tiny [01:23:35]:
us some money, I know we would all rather put it on the website. For real. Because if there's overages or or or
Community Member [01:23:35]:
if we're in the black, that's
David Breniser [01:23:53]:
Any any other further issues or
Community Member [01:23:56]:
any questions? Okay.
David Breniser [01:23:58]:
I'm just gonna say thank you for being patient with my granny. My lawnmower broke. So,
Marc Tiny [01:24:04]:
I I have a I have a electric lawnmower. Feel free to come by. I'm sorry if
Marc Tiny [01:24:08]:
you want to speak to it.
David Breniser [01:24:08]:
My my my batteries are always on charge.
Marc Tiny [01:24:12]:
I got charged batteries to exercise
David Breniser [01:24:14]:
all the blood.
Community Member [01:24:15]:
Gas on me. You're welcome.
Marc Tiny [01:24:16]:
Well, I
David Breniser [01:24:16]:
borrowed timber. So
Community Member [01:24:18]:
My father-in-law rebuilt it, so can't tell you how.
David Breniser [01:24:23]:
Well, we had a pretty good turn out here today, but there's still a lot of other people in the community that could have been here that didn't. So
David Breniser [01:24:30]:
I know.
David Breniser [01:24:31]:
You all
David Breniser [01:24:32]:
are terrific. I Dan? Anything else? Else, Dan? Anything else?
Community Member [01:24:44]:
I'd say the only thing is we scheduled this at 5:30 because the 3 of us, like, live here or work close to here. And I would have booked it out earlier because a few people did bring up to me, like, hey. Like, we're coming here after 5 from Nashville. Can't make it in time. And I was I was really sad about that, so I just didn't think about that. So future meetings will probably push back a little farther to accommodate some schedules coming from Nashville or Franklin.
Marc Tiny [01:25:07]:
First meeting.
Community Member [01:25:07]:
Yeah. Yeah. So sorry about that. We'll change that next time.
David Breniser [01:25:12]:
I got one last thing. Sure.
David Breniser [01:25:14]:
Thank you, Mark Kennedy, for everything you've done.
Marc Tiny [01:25:17]:
Yeah. Whoo. Alright. Thank you. Thank you.
Marc Tiny [01:25:21]:
What are you doing?
David Breniser [01:25:24]:
Very good. Alright.
Marc Tiny [01:25:26]:
Well, I
David Breniser [01:25:26]:
guess that's a And we welcome our new member too.
Community Member [01:25:29]:
Marc Tiny [01:25:30]:
Neighborhood of Chapel Hill, TN
A new neighborhood north east of Chapel Hill, TN.